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Aiesha Maybir – Social Worker

Aiesha Maybir – Social Worker


  • Bachelor of Human Services and Master of Social Work
  • Current member of Australian Assocation for Social Workers (AASW)

Aiesha is a social worker and a current member of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). Aiesha has over 6 years professional experience in government and non-government roles supporting clients with a range of needs such as; homelessness, recidivism, drug & alcohol addiction, unemployment, mental ill health, abuse and trauma.

Aiesha brings gentle curiosity and exploration to her work, she applies a client centered and strengths based approach, messo systems collaboration, and principals of trauma informed care to assist individuals with complex needs achieve their life goals and encouragement to reconsider their narrative.  

Aiesha’s work is underpinned by AASW Code of Ethics, and she believes in the importance of placing value onto each client and promoting hope into their next day.  

Days available: Monday, Tuesday and Friday